By Michael Damiano
How to create the Afro Skin Fade, a step by step guide.

Step 1
Map the fade line from just below the temple to the nape with a #1 guide comb.
Michael uses the Magic Clip Clipper.

Step 2
Create a guide line above the mapping line with a #2 guide comb.

Step 3
Put the #0 guide in below the #1, curving to create a shadow fade.
Using the Detailer Trimmer.

Step 4
Tighten the fade between the mapping and guide line with a #1.5 guide comb.
Using the Cordless Magic Clip Clipper.

Step 5
Fade out the line between the #0 and #1, working the taper lever from open to closed.

Step 6
Remove bulk around the side with a #4 comb.

Step 7
Taper the side to the fade with clipper over comb technique.

Step 8
Comb out to natural state and free hand shape.

Step 9
Shape-up and sharpen the hair lines.